Feb 27 Views (1320) Path Of Exile

Path Of Exile's Character Classes: Hybrid Classes And Pure Classes

One of the most important decisions you will make while playing Path of Exile is the selection of characters. In Path of Exile, there are three statistics that define each class: Strength, Dexterity and Intelligence. Each character has an aptitude for one of these statistics and three exiles combine the traits of two. You can access to U4GM to know more information about this game's classes. 




Duelist: Strength / Destriza

Shadow: Dexterity / Intelligence

Templar: Strength / Intelligence



Marauder: Strength

Ranger: Dexterity

Witch: Intelligence




GGG admits that if they went with the P2W route, they would certainly be making more money, but the game is still doing great. Grinding Gear Games and Path of Exile have come a long way and still have ways to go before we see this franchise die off. Anyway, Path of Exile is a fantastic example of good business practices in action, but let us not forget that it would not be such an ethical success if not for the core game itself. 


In Path of Exile, you have been exiled from everything you've ever known, to survive amongst the dangers of the Wraeclast continent. Path of Exile is now available for PC and Xbox One. Come here to buy poe currency, and this is your wisest option. Two unique Path of Exile features make the game's characters among the most customizable ones in the entire genre: skill gems and the shared passive skill tree.